The West Marin Coalition for Healthy Youth was created to change community norms concerning underage use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Our mission is to mobilize across all sectors of the community and work collaboratively to significantly reduce the incidence of underage use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Develops and partners with local policies and initiatives
Mobilizes our West Marin communities to take action
Provides information and educational materials for youth and adults
Creates public awareness
Convenes educational workshops and forums
Offers referrals for health and support service
The West Marin Coalition for Healthy Youth is part of a County-wide initiative to address underage use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs in Marin County. We meet every two months in communities throughout West Marin.
The West Marin Coalition for Healthy Youth meetings are for community partners representing 12 sectors including Youth, Parents, Businesses, Media, Schools, Youth Serving Organizations, Law Enforcement, Religious/Fraternal groups, Civic/Volunteer Groups, Healthcare Professionals, and Local Government Agencies. If this capacity-building appeals to your organization, please join us.
Our mission is to mobilize across all sectors of the unincorporated West Marin Community and work collaboratively to significantly reduce the incidence of underage use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Our goal is to improve our community's overall health and wellness by raising awareness of current mental health and substance abuse issues, identifying and implementing strategies for reducing risk factors, and advocating for increased positive youth engagement in West Marin.
Youth Substance Use in Marin County by the Numbers
50% of 11th graders in Marin County drink or use drugs.
16% of 11th graders say they’ve used two or more drugs simultaneously.
25% of 9th graders in Marin County drink or use drugs.
11% of 11th graders in Marin County have used prescription drugs recreationally.
Download Community Cafe findings here.